Saturday, April 22, 2006

A strange picture

I discovered this picture on my hard drive. I must have made it when I was sort of either drunk and/or high.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy belated Passover!

Though I'm sort of not all that Jewish, and I didn't actually celebrate Passover this year, I thought I'd post a couple of Passover flashes, which my mom referred me to through her Israeli friend, I found funny:

Matzo Man

JibJab Matzah


Saturday, April 15, 2006

La-dee-da, classes are finished

I've been very distracted by this game, spacerunner.

In other news, Rock for Whatever was yesterday and it went pretty well, considering all the unexpected changes of date and location. The weather was beautiful and the music was fine. Pictures are forthcoming, I hope.

I'm finished classes, but I still have five final exams, four of which are next week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Doppelganger Effekt is also playing a show next Friday. Talk about me being busy. Maybe I should start studying or something.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Pie vs. Cake

I was very bored in my Calculus class so I started writing messages to the girl beside me and I thought I would share it with everyone. (Keep in mind that it was right before lunch.)

Me: Dear A, Do you believe in the power of pie? That is, pie, our lord and saviour?

A: Well, last time I checked pie is the equivalent of a numerical value and I don't know that numbers being an arbitrary concept have a power. But on the other hand, I do believe in a "higher power" so to speak.

Me: I was thinking of apple crumble pie. It's soooooo yummy!

A: I should have known better, after all, it's lunch time and it's sounding really good!

Me: I would totally be part of a religion that worshipped pie. We would devote our lives to finding the ultimate pie, the tastiest of them all, and then eat it and go into fits of extacy. What's your favourite kind of pie?

A: It sounds like the ultimate job would be a pie judge. I like all kinds of pie, but butterscotch is sounding really good at the moment!

Me: Are you a pie person, or a cake person? That is, if presented with the most delicious pie and the most delicious cake, which would you choose? It's an important character-determining question!

A: I would be the one trying to find someone else to split both pieces with. I'd have to try both.

Me: Ah, so you're agnostic?

A: I guess it all depends on what I'm in the mood for. I believe that strawberry shortcake is the higher power if I had to choose. Or what about brownie people? Don't they get a say?

Me: I think that both brownies and strawberry shortcake are both kinds of cake. Cookies, on the other hand are failed cakes so cookie people would also be cake people of a sort. So, any kind of baked good desert can be classified as either cake or pie.

At that point, class ended and we had to cut our discussion short. In the hallway, we compared this theory of all baked-goods type desserts being either cake or pie to another classmate's theory that guys are either muffins, donuts, muffins pretending to be donuts, or donuts pretending to be muffins. That was interesting too. This whole thing makes me want to start a religion of pie worship...

P.S. Doppelgänger Effekt will be playing at Rock for Recycling at noon on Friday, April 7, 2006 in the Turner Studio courtyard at Bishop's University. Everyone should go see us!


Sunday, April 02, 2006


This guy is awesome. See his website here.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

MacBurger's: Real Neat Scotch Fare

This morning, I read in my Uncle John's Bathroom Reader about various people who spoke out about McDonald's and who got in trouble for it. One such story was of a play put on by some schoolchildren in Glasgow called "MacBurger's: Real Neat Scotch Fare", and even though the play never actually mentionned the word "McDonald's", the McLawyers (as Uncle John's puts it) still got after the theatre company and forced them to change the script and only ever perform the play once because it gave the fast-food chain a bad rep. You can read more about it, and if you want read the play here.


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