Thursday, February 24, 2005

Confused, stressed, and much too sober

Well, I'm not going to even bother writing an entry about the Death Murder Burger extravaganza because it will never beat Chris's description. A work of literary genius, that is. Check out the pictures too... They're posted on his blog.

I'm moderately excited about going to Florida this March break, but not to the point of shitting myself with glee. I'm leaving Saturday evening, and should be back March 3rd... whenever that is. I might very well have a tan, so if you don't recognize me when I get back, that's why. At the moment, I'm sick, so it might be a less enjoyable trip for that. I'm also stressed out about University applications, for which I'm supposed to be writing an essay at this moment.


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Lacking a better half

The show went all right, I suppose. I had a cup of coffee (that I never paid for, now that I think of it) and it made me very jittery. I felt like I played terribly, but we all did. Besides the uncomfortable silences between songs, we played a few songs too slow and at least one too quickly. I think we should have practiced some more the previous day, just to get the tempos straight. I guess the audience appreciated it, but they had nothing to lose because it was free. At any rate, afterwards, my hands were trembling. I hope we do better next time. At least our booklets were a great hit.

The barbecue afterwards was very fun. My friend Andra came along and I think she enjoyed herself. At least, all my guy friends enjoyed her company. There was much drinking and eating and playing of improv games. I guess the highlight of the night, for me, was when Jonah took me onto the porch and told me that he wanted to break up. Yep, that's right, almost two years of practically flawless bliss down the drain. I'm angry, sad, bitter, and all those fun feelings, but I'll get over it. The night ended with a dramatic exit by Tom, followed by a deep philosophical talk from Ian. Yep, interesting night indeed.

I haven't dressed yet. I have a million things to do, and I'm really behind in my homework. I have applications to do for university, tax things to do, practicing for the string orchestra... I think I may go crazy. Josee, Oliver and Sam are coming over later tonight to try to make me feel better for at least a little while, I guess. I have good friends. I don't often realize that, but when things go wrong, they're always there. I've had nothing but love and support from everybody, and for that I'm thankful. Big bags of cookies for everyone!


Saturday, February 19, 2005

A meaningless quiz

I am worth $1,920,064.00 on

Wow, I'm special.

In other news, Sam got outrageously drunk last night, and it was quite entertaining. After practice, which went well, despite certain issues I have with a certain person playing a certain instrument very loudly, we went to the SAQ, which is finally not on strike anymore, and bought ourselves some better alcohol than beer, that is Jagermeister for Sam and Kaluha for me. For the record, Kaluha is really good mixed with Malibu, and Malibu tastes better straight. I had no mixers. We went to Ian's, and among other things, there was a perfectly straight wrestling match with all the men in the room, which didn't necessarily look perfectly straight. That is to say, Sam, Ian, Ryan and Tom all piled up on top of each other on a mattress in the middle of the living room. I'm so glad Jenn got pictures to document this momentous event.

In the end, Sam walked me home in a moment of galantry, though I should probably have been the one to walk him home, given his state. Fortunatly, he made it back all right. I can hardly wait until this evening, after our show, when we go to Ryan's for a BBQ. It should be equaly interesting.



Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm not dead!

Well, as it turns out, homework didn't kill me. I suspect it will someday though. It's just lurking in the shadows of academia, waiting for the perfect moment to smother me. It's inevitable, I know it. The worst is my English class. I have more work in that class than in all my other courses put together... and I'm taking two math classes! Sigh... and yesterday, in my Experimental Physics class, I stayed an hour later just so that I could make a hologram, which turned out not to work... So, I'm going to have to do it all over again. Wah!

Enough complaining though. Wait... I have nothing to say but complaints! Oh well, I'll just post a glowing psychic octopus and we'll call it even.


Monday, February 14, 2005

A change in plans

This may come as a huge shock, but our concert, instead of being Thursday, Feb. 17th, will now be on Saturday, Feb. 19th at 3:00 pm. This is mostly because the owner of Java doesn't want to have concerts at night anymore. Yeah yeah, so most of the people who read my blog already know this. Anyway, stupid homework calls. I have an assignment due tomorrow that's only half done and about four chapters to read of Who Has Seen the Wind. Yeah, I'm gonna die. I leave all my worthy belongings to a charity, and all my junk to my friends. Haha!


Sunday, February 13, 2005

I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener

Wow, last night was fantastic. The masquerade was uber fun, and though Etienne didn't dance, I did. All by myself... sort of. My mask was my mother's which she used for a show a while ago and Etienne's he made himself and it had a really long nose. In his defence, he looked really cool. Then, after taking a cab to the Cafe du Palais with my brother who is not my brother, Dave, because I missed the last bus, I danced all night with Jen, Josee, Dave, Dave, Oliver, Kevin, and Sam. The music was great and there were tons of people at the bar.

After the last dance, to which Oliver and Josee danced slowly and suptuously to, only to "hook up" during and afterwards, we walked to Josee's place in the cold, my brother complaining the whole time because he had shaved his head that day, and was getting brain freeze. We then proceeded to fall asleep, I on the floor, which wasn't that uncomfortable. I managed to get two hours of sleep, perhaps, between being cold and brother poking me. In the morning we went to a huge buffet, and I ate way too much. I wasn't actually hungry all day afterwards. Then, we went home, and Sam and I fell asleep to a movie or two.

Practice was relatively productive considering our bassist showed up late and without his instrument, Sam had to leave part way through, Josee and Oliver were making out almost the whole time, and I was really really tired. Our concert is coming up next Thursday, and I hope we'll be ready for that. At any rate, I have to do homework, and so I'm going to drink some maple syrup in order to keep myself awake.


Saturday, February 12, 2005

I'm a heretic!

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test


A ball for a princess?

My Blogger is acting all weird... all the buttons are strange-looking. They must be upgrading something that my computer is too old to understand... Poor computer, so obsolete. I'm going to a masquarade tonight and possibly to a bar later on, but things seem rather shifty right now. At any rate, I'm going to have a lot of fun. I have a ton of homework to do this weekend, but I'm finding it very hard to get started. Oy. I'm going to do that... And wow, this post was rather pointless.



Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Achy, painy and procrastinating.

Hourrah! By the way, everybody should download Pretty Good Privacy and then figure out how it works and send me their public keys for awesomeness in the form of ultra-secret encryption of emails, etc. I don't care what Chris says, encryption is cool. I'm almost done reading a book called The Code Book and it's ultra-cool by a factor of ten million.

Anyway, aside from that, I was sore today because Monday I exhausted myself by wrestling both Sam and Dave, my brother from another mother (it's a long story that I don't have time to tell). And before that I'd had a tough karate class, and after I went swimming and almost drowned because it hurt to laugh. I don't have too many bruises... And then yesterday, I made a hologram. And today I had a sugar high that was ultra fun. And Saturday, I'm going to a masquarade with Etienne and then I'm going dancing at bars! Hourrah!

P.S. Sorry for the disjointed nature of this post. I'm supposed to be preparing for a physics lab.


Saturday, February 05, 2005

Le Resto Mexicain

Yesterday was a good day. The weather was absolutely beautiful, for one. I was able to go outside without a jacket and the sun was shining brightly. Josee and I had adventures after I was done class. First, we found a walking stick and turned it into a trident. Then, we climbed a big hill of snow and played "Queen of the Castle". And we wandered around the campus until we got to the quad, a big open space, where there was a makeshift skating rink. We played there for a while. Then, there was a picknick table which we stood on and picked the bark off our stick. And Dave came along and we vandalized his car. He left eventually, so we went to the the building where Etienne's class was and raided the sugar cubes from one of the teacher lounges. From that time on, we were on a sugar high. Then, we terrorized Etienne, and played with shadow puppets and an overhead projector, and vandalized a classroom. Then, we ripped off the photocopying machine and lounged in the lounge. A productive afternoon, I think.

Then, after a semi-productive band practice, we went to a Mexican restaurant. The food and drink were good, and my head hurt from laughing. The whole band and Em and Jo were there. I had the Inca soup (exquisite!), and the Quezadilla de Quezo, which was very good also. Oliver, Sam and I also shared a bottle of wine, which made me that much more happy. I think we were the last ones to leave the restaurant and Em drove me home. Wonderful evening, really. We should do that sort of thing more often.

And now, for everyone's enjoyment, an Undine:


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A good day

I guess nobody liked my pictures because there were no comments. Guilt trip guilt trip guilt trip! Yeah, well, I'll try to do better next time. Anyway, I had a wonderful day today for some reason. I guess it was partially because I taught my new student a violin lesson today, and because Adam came to school. It was also Etienne's birthday, which was very cool, though I felt bad because I didn't really get him a present. But I did draw him a whole bunch of stuff for Doppler, so I win. Win what? you say. I just win, that's all. And so, I was humming and singing and being generally joyous all day. It was cooler with Adam in the lounge because he seems like he really belongs there. Anyway, incoherence is upon me, and the dawn is full of bumblebees.


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