Saturday, February 19, 2005

A meaningless quiz

I am worth $1,920,064.00 on

Wow, I'm special.

In other news, Sam got outrageously drunk last night, and it was quite entertaining. After practice, which went well, despite certain issues I have with a certain person playing a certain instrument very loudly, we went to the SAQ, which is finally not on strike anymore, and bought ourselves some better alcohol than beer, that is Jagermeister for Sam and Kaluha for me. For the record, Kaluha is really good mixed with Malibu, and Malibu tastes better straight. I had no mixers. We went to Ian's, and among other things, there was a perfectly straight wrestling match with all the men in the room, which didn't necessarily look perfectly straight. That is to say, Sam, Ian, Ryan and Tom all piled up on top of each other on a mattress in the middle of the living room. I'm so glad Jenn got pictures to document this momentous event.

In the end, Sam walked me home in a moment of galantry, though I should probably have been the one to walk him home, given his state. Fortunatly, he made it back all right. I can hardly wait until this evening, after our show, when we go to Ryan's for a BBQ. It should be equaly interesting.


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