Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Achy, painy and procrastinating.

Hourrah! By the way, everybody should download Pretty Good Privacy and then figure out how it works and send me their public keys for awesomeness in the form of ultra-secret encryption of emails, etc. I don't care what Chris says, encryption is cool. I'm almost done reading a book called The Code Book and it's ultra-cool by a factor of ten million.

Anyway, aside from that, I was sore today because Monday I exhausted myself by wrestling both Sam and Dave, my brother from another mother (it's a long story that I don't have time to tell). And before that I'd had a tough karate class, and after I went swimming and almost drowned because it hurt to laugh. I don't have too many bruises... And then yesterday, I made a hologram. And today I had a sugar high that was ultra fun. And Saturday, I'm going to a masquarade with Etienne and then I'm going dancing at bars! Hourrah!

P.S. Sorry for the disjointed nature of this post. I'm supposed to be preparing for a physics lab.

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