Thursday, June 24, 2004

Gods Form Outer Space

I just wrote about three long paragraphs of text and then Explorer crashed. I really really hate it when that happens. I'll try to reproduce what I was writing.

I am currently reading the book Gods From Outer Space by Erich von Däniken. It is basically trying to prove that early humans were somehow modified by extra-terrestrial beings, explaining our intelligence, etc. I soon realized that Erich is completely full of shit. He uses quotes from famous scientists and known facts, but none of these actually prove his point.

The first chapter of his book, entitled "Interstellar Space Flight Is Possible", tries to explain how aliens must have come to Earth because interstellar travel will someday be possible for humans. He is, of course, jumping to conclusions, but he continues to say that we'll someday be able to travel at the speed of light because radio waves do. Well, of course they do; they are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as is light, and these two things are one and the same, but at different wavelengths. So, he is saying that light travels at the speed of light. Well, duh!

The second chapter is titled "On the Track of Life" and talks about how human intelligence must have been developped by an alien species because there is no other logical explanation for it. Well, there is, of course. Random mutations could produce the brain power we have today. He goes on to bring the Bible into it, and I'm not trying to bash the Christian faith, but the Book is only a bunch of stories which can't be thought of as fact. The author says that when God created Eve from Adam's rib, it could have been aliens using the DNA from his bone marrow to create a woman. Erich seems to forget that females existed in species before humans evolved... so, couldn't a homonid species with both sexes just have evolved into humans? It seems less far-fetched than his hypothesis. Also, research has shown that female was the original sex and that all creatures are female by default, unless male hormones appear.

In conclusion, Erich von Däniken is an obvious crackpot. You can find his biography here or just do a google search with his name to find out more about his travels. I wonder if I'll be able to finish this book, but I think it will be difficult because I have problems with Mr. von Däniken's "logic".

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