Friday, July 09, 2004

Farenheit 9/11

Yeah, I figure everyone who's seen Farenheit 9/11 so far has written a blog entry about it. I know Sam has already written about it, and my mother even wrote about it, although only to comment that a lot of American people are fat. Well, though my take on it might be very similar to everyone else's, I'm going to write anyway.

It was an excellent, and I repeat excellent documentary. It made me cry, it made me laugh, but more importantly, it confirmed what I thought about the Bush administration. It even went further to teach me some new things I had never known. I left the theatre angry and wanting to burn down an American embassy, though that wouldn't have solved much. Even if half the things Michael Moore accused Bush of weren't true, it's still a very damning commentary.

The thing that shocked me most was the total ignorance some people have concerning what's actually happening in their country. I mean, as long as someone pays even the slightest attention to the news, they get the idea that something strange and not quite kosher is going on. I was also shocked by the fact that the Senate doesn't even read the bills they pass. Agh! What's the world coming to? What the hell goes on in a country where nobody knows what's happening?

I suppose it's not entirely the fault of the American public. In fact, it's not their fault at all. The use of the media is disgusting. Keeping the people in a constant state of fear was a back-handed way of getting them to rally behind their president, allowing him to do whatever he wanted. I thought he was just an idiot, but that hasn't stopped him from being a greedy, scheming bastard. I really hope that this movie opened some eyes, and perhaps prevent Bush's reelection.

Thus ends my second rant.

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