Friday, July 23, 2004

Late nightedness makes me tired.

Well, it's not that late at night, but I'm still tired because work was hard today. Lots of people yelled at me and I almost cried at one point. Don't worry, I'm tough and I was able to handle it. Yes! Go me! Oy...

Anyway, I completely forget what I was going to write about. It might come to me as I babble incoherently. By the way, my band, Doppelganger Effekt, now has an official website. See the link at right. It's not quite finished yet, but I had a lot of fun today making up stuff for it. There's this thing where you ask my doppelganger questions and I made some answers for it. They're mainly nonsensical, but that doesn't really matter.

By this point, you might be wondering why I haven't gone to bed yet. Well, I'm waiting for 11:00 pm to happen so that I can call Chris, my good friend who is at a play right now. He was at the same camp my boyfriend councilled at and has come home for the weekend. He's fun to talk to. Hmmm... I don't feel like typing anymore. Well, that settles it. Good night!

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