Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The woes of a telemarketer.

I've now been working at my summer job as a telemarketer for a week and a day. I've made a total of three sales, one of which was a hold because I made a mistake of some sort. I now know how much people really hate telemarketers. I haven't been seriously yelled at yet, but I'm sure it's coming. I've talked to some very impatient and annoyed people.

What I like best is when people are nice to me on the phone. I don't care whether or not I sell them anything, as long as they're pleasant. Some old ladies call me "dear", and a guy today said I had a nice voice. Actually, about that last statement, I'm not too sure. I was flattered and then freaked out slightly. Unfortunately, for the most part, people are just really rude and hang up on me.

To add to the sadness, or whatever it is, my boyfriend has left to be a summer camp councillor somewhere far far away, and I won't see him for about six weeks. I don't know how I'll stand it. I'm so clingy... At least he's helping underpriviledged children or something. And at least I have my incredibly fun job to keep me occupied. Did I mention that my mouth has been constantly dry since I started working? Oh oh, this is turning into a bitching session.

Good things are happening too. A friend from far away is visiting my town this weekend and stayed at my place last night, and will be staying again tonight. I've been able to spend a lot of time with her which is nice. We've gone shopping and partying. To tell you the truth, I went to three parties consecutively last weekend. Friday, I went to my boyfriend's prom, Saturday, friends came over and we watched movies, then Sunday, the same group of friends and I went camping. Ok, so my life doesn't suck.

Except for the cramps in my wrists from typing in a weird position. Yay!

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