Tuesday, August 03, 2004

A total lack of inspiration.

Hmmm... don't tell me I'm getting bored with blogging already! I just can't think of anything to write right now. It's as if an anti-creativity demon has come and sucked it all out of me. Well, let's see... I've been working (perhaps that has something to do with it), computering and hanging out with Jonah. I've got this strange feeling of almost depression, but more like something else. A longing of sorts? Bah, I don't know.

This morning I briefly chatted with Chris on msn. I think I sort of miss him. He's been at camp for something like five or six weeks now, and he only has three more weeks to go. He's coming back on Friday, but I won't be able to see him because of stupid work. Roar.

And Jonah just called. He's depressed about something or other. He feels like a leech off the system. Whatever. I'm sick of everybody being so sad, including myself. I need some interesting conversation and some good parties.

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