Saturday, September 18, 2004

Global Personality Test

Yesterday, I played Dungeons and Dragons for the very first time. My character was a gnomish sorceress of the chaotic neutral alignment. I have a feeling that I should sit in on a game where people actually know what their doing because, last night, it was a little confusing. It didn't help that I was a little drunk after having one too many Harvey Wallbangers. Anyway, at the beginning, everyone was bickering and when we finally got started on our campaign, it was a little less than orderly. Oh well, I think I'll get it eventually and then it'll be more enjoyable.

Now, because everyone seems to be doing it, I've included my Global Personality Test results. I don't know how accurate they are, but here goes anyway:

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (46%) medium which suggests you are moderately worrying, insecure, emotional, and nervous.
Orderliness (36%) moderately low which suggests you tend to be unreliable, lazy, careless, and unmotivated.
Extraversion (66%) moderately high which suggests you are talkative, optimistic, sociable and affectionate but possibly not very internally grounded.
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