Tuesday, September 07, 2004

A Secret Guest

For the very few of you who actually read my blog, I'm proposing an extra-special game. I'm going to have someone else write and I want to see how many of you can guess who it is! Here goes:

Hello eveyone who has ventured across this wonderfull site. I am someone who shall remain nameless for tax/legal/evasion purposes. I'm guessing that after that last sentence you already have guessed who am, because seriously, who else writes with /'s? Riddle me this! After lighting many fires in many places with our newly made flamable gelatinous uber crazy white stuff Ilana and I, who while still remaining nameless have been identified by all who know me, went on the computer on which I now type and started to do just that: type. Go us! We are having a great time, um, typing and stuff. Note, stuff includes eating stuff, playing with stuff and lighting other stuff on fire as has been already mentioned. Back to you Ilana:

That was a person who will remain nameless, folks! Yes, a cookie goes to anyone who can guess who that was. A very special cookie it will be, made by the nameless person's mom. Yep. That's all.

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