Saturday, October 30, 2004

Fearless Lead.

Gee golly gosh! I really haven't written in a long time! The same basic stuff has been going on. I'm really busy with school, things are going well with Jonah... blah blah blah. I guess I could name some highlights of the last week. On Thursday evening, I went to the curling tournament. It was wicked fun. I couldn't play in the first game because I had a class, so Matt replaced me as lead. Our team lost terribly, a pitiful 13-0 for the other team. When I played in the next game as lead, we still lost rather badly, but the score was 9-2, so at least we got some points! Heehee... it was all my doing. Or at least I like to think so. But curling really is a fun sport when you get into it. I mean, it's really boring to watch, but to play, there's so much skill involved, that it can't help but be interesting.

Well, since we lost, the other team bought us drinks. I had a huge bottle of Labbatt Blue all to myself and got rather trashed. We hung out in the bar above the rink for a little while, and then eventually went to Capitaine Grec which, for some reason (I'm guessing it's a front for some money laundering institution), is open 'til all hours. We had some humongous poutines (well, the others did, since I don't like poutine), and then eventually made it to the Esso where we called taxis. There were some really emotionally drunk girls who scared me, Oliver and Sam. Anyway, enough about that.

Other interesting things in my life... Chris and Ryan have been deported from England, which sort of sucks for them. You can read about it in their blogs:Here for Ryan's, and Here for Chris's. I'll put them in my sidebar too. I miss them a lot, but we've been able to keep in touch via email and msn.

Right now I'm supposed to be preparing for a seminar due Monday. Damnit... way too much to do. Today I have a string quartet gig, which will be my last, I think because the other members basically kicked me out. I'm a little bitter, but I'll get over it. Then, tomorrow I'll be going to a Halloween party. Hopefully that will help me forget all my trouble!

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