Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I have returned!

Yes! I have returned from my travels to the mysterious land of Ontario! Rejoice in my coming! Or don't, see what I care. Anyway, my trip was relatively uneventful. I only cried twice! Yeah, these trips are very stressful for me. First of all because the car ride is so bloody long and I hate sitting in a confined area for that large a period of time. Secondly, my parents get really stressed out because they want to have the best appearance for my grandparents, and that usually ends up with them fighting, which stresses me out. Yep, I love travelling.

Well, it wasn't totally bad. I mean, I love my relatives there and I barely ever get to see them. Anyway, we first drove to Guelph, where my paternal grandparents live. We had supper and then my brother and I went out with my uncle Al to his musical friend's place (a guy who is constantly stoned and makes me think of an older Bob Marley). That was interesting...

The next day, Sunday, we chilled until my uncle Don and aunt Pat came over and we eventually had a big Thanksgiving dinner. It was smaller than usual, given that only two out of four of my dad's siblings were there. In previous years, there have been almost twenty people there, but I digress... just because it sounds cool. My dad played music with Don, which was fun for them, and noisy for the rest of us. Meh, wasn't so bad. That evening, we watched a movie called Walkabout which was sad, but very good. It's an Australian film about two kids who get lost in the desert and are helped by an aboriginie (spelling is shifty). It's very artsy and also very weird, and my grandmother just didn't get it.

Monday morning, we drove to Toronto to see my Isreali relatives one last time and also my maternal grandmother, whom we call Savta. We had a big nice lasagna lunch. My grandmother's is getting older and losing her eyesight, but she can still cook really well. We climbed the tree in front of her house and there being about five of us in it at one time, we dubbed it the "family tree". Haha... cute and unoriginal, but what the hey. Then, we left for home.

During our stay, my uncle Al told us the celtic philosophy of life, which I thought was good enough to repeat: "There are only two things to worry about in life: whether you're sick or well. If you're well, you have nothing to worry about, and if you're sick, you only have two things to worry about: whether you're going to get better or you're going to die. If you get better, there's nothing to worry about. If you die, there's only two things to worry about: whether you go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven, you have nothing to worry about. If you go to hell, you'll be so busy partying with all your friends that you won't have time to worry about anything. So, there really isn't anything to worry about." Wise words.

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