Friday, October 08, 2004
Up-coming travels
Ok, now that my sanity has been established (or disestablished, depending on your point of view), let's talk about other things. Today, having handed in three of my assignments, I took the liberty of lounging in the student lounge (which is where you do such things) at my school for several hours and eventually bumming a ride off some guy, while Adam hid his eyes the whole trip because he doesn't want to know where I live. Weird guy. We talked about the strangest things in the lounge... Adam and I writing in binary code (ASKI) while making lewd references to the things other people were saying. Fun times!
I have a band practice tonight and that should be fun. I missed the last one, but that's ok. Apparently, not much was done. And tomorrow, I'm going to Ontario with my family to go see my larger family for Thanksgiving. I am so looking forward to the eight hour trip in the car... (That was sarcasm.) Well, I'm going to stop rambling now.