Wednesday, November 24, 2004
A new respect for Chemistry teachers (or at least one)
Today, I was very impressed with the actions of my chemistry teacher, who happens to be female and somewhat petite. A student, a large football player type, came to class very late (about 10 minutes or so), and, instead of ignoring him as she usually does, my teacher said, "You're late. Come back Friday." In a typical football player fashion (not to bash football players), he was confused, and when she better explained the situation to him, i.e. that he wasn't able to come to class today, he protested vehemently, saying, "You can't kick me out; I'm paying for this shit!" "You wanna bet?" she said. Anyway, when he finally left the classroom, my teacher went calmly back to talking about chemistry. At the end of class, she apologised to the class for the confrontation, but I was thinking that she was perfectly in the right. I mean, I'm not the most punctual person, but I applaud teachers who actually act on their threats instead of doing nothing. It was also quite entertaining to see a shortish woman stand up to a big guy who must have been at least a foot taller than her, and to watch her strike a "bring-it-on" pose.
Moving on, our concert is tonight, and I'm not quite feeling the nervousness yet. I probably will in a few hours, though I know some other band members are starting to get antsy. We still have the problem of not having enough amps, but I'm borrowing my brother's, Chris is borrowing his brother's, and Oliver is going to Painchaud to perhaps rent one. Hopefully with Sam's and our bassist's amp, that will be enough. I really don't want to use the Lion's P.A. system because it sucks. At any rate, I have to finish this essay before I do anything else, so that's what I'm going to do.