Monday, December 27, 2004
Holiday Blues
Christmas, Brumalia, or whatever we're calling this Solstice festival went well. I got lots of presents, including a scanner, a fedora, a newfie hat, socks, leg warmers, books, a dvd, and a bathrobe, as well as enough chocolate to give me a serious stomach ache. And I did get a serious stomach ache when I ate all that chocolate at one sitting. We had fun family time and all was well.
Since then, I've done practically nothing, spending entire days in front of the computer, drawing and working on Etienne's Doppler World, or just vegging. I'm getting all depressed for lack of physical activity, I think, and just lonelyness. I've gotten a lot of drawings done, but but but...
Jonah was visiting his grandmother for the holidays, and so I miss him, but he's supposed to be back today. Maybe I'll get to hang out with him, and it'll make me happy.