Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Sitting out on the veranda.

I'm still not over being sick yet. Gee golly gosh, I suck. Right now I feel like I'm on the verge of death, but hopefully, NeoCitron will make it all better. Moving on...

I'm listening to Bjork right now... Weird lady, but her music is strangely entrancing. I feel all mesmerized. Then again, I might just be delusional, the result of a caffeine overdose yesterday, as we sat on the veranda (also known as the main lobby of the Champlain building), and discussed dreams. The coffee vending machine was broken and giving out free beverages, which made me happy. I may have had something like four large mochas. And since I consider the Champlain student lounge as a second home, the lobby, right outside the lounge, could easily be mistaken for our front porch. It was amusing.

There was some sort of band practice last night, more productive than Sunday's, but less than it could have been. An ex-singing student of my mother's joined us, a crazy Japanese guy who gave me a white rose and played with my hair, making me moderately uncomfortable. I didn't mind so much. He considers my mom to be a second mother, and by association, I'm like a sister, and I'm sure he's not incestuous at heart.

ALSO!!!! I just (sort of) updated my Elfwood Gallery, and so, if anyone is interested, you should go look! I uploaded ten whole new pictures, mostly from my old sketchbook where I have more fantasy drawings. I'm hoping to eventually be good enough to go onto Epilogue, which has fantastic drawings, but for that I have to get much better. Yay for Christmas holiday projects!

NeoCitron tastes really bad.

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