Saturday, January 22, 2005

Happy happy joy joy!

Big news: Jonah and I are officially back together! I'm deliriously happy. I may start dancing right now. That would make it hard, however, to type. Anyway, it all started last night when he called me up and said that he missed me and that he'd be at the party at Ryan's that evening. Anyway, band practice happened, an orgasmically good jazz concert happened, and then I went to the party. It was awkward at first because I hadn't seen Jonah for a week and a half, but we got talking and I ended up going to his place and sleeping over. You can guess the rest.

In other news, my math teacher didn't show up again yesterday, for the third day this semester. This isn't good because I have two classes with him and I've already missed two of one and three of the other. I'm especially worried about Calculus III because I'm taking the prerequisite course right now, but nobody informed me that I needed it before. Ah well, I'll drown.

Besides that, nothing much has happened. I have tons of homework for my English class for some reason, and my other classes aren't exactly letting me off easy either. And to think that I was looking forward to school! Actually, I wasn't really... But at least this is my last semester! Woot!

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