Saturday, March 12, 2005
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor...
Much drinking has been going on during the past week, with five nights since exactly a week ago where I've consumed alcohol in some shape or form. I'd say it has defined my week. Last Sunday we had a crazy movie night at Etienne's where Josee, Oliver and I finished a bottle of tequila rose, and half a bottle of amaretto. Hourra for drinking games! We watched Six String Samurai, one of my favorite movies right now, and Inuyasha (spelling?), which I didn't get most of. Wednesday, I indulged in some Kaluha and milk, which was very yummy. I also had a beer with Andrea Vettoretti and my dad. The former is a very talented classical guitarist who was "artist in residence" here at BU, and who gave a very excellent concert on Friday night. Thursday, was the worse night... Sam and I went to Ryan's and sort of had five tequila shots each, and then attempted to go to the play, Twelfth Night, at Centennial. We actually got there, but there was much stumbling, and I didn't get most of the play. Ah well, I had fun. Friday was the night of the excellent concert by the above-mentionned talented guitarist. I had two glasses of wine at the reception, and a beer once we got home. There was a post-reception party at our place, and, interestingly enough, all the people there, except me, were both male and guitar-playing to some degree. So, there was pretty much an all-night jam session with two electric guitars, one classical, and, randomly, some other guitar that someone would pull out. Very interesting and cool.
And now, for everyone's culinary (or otherwise) delight, a purple duck caught in a vortex:
And now, for everyone's culinary (or otherwise) delight, a purple duck caught in a vortex: