Sunday, April 10, 2005

It's hard to think of interesting titles.

Oh oh... I think I'm getting a little under the weather, like everyone else in the choir. Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away. Well, the first two nights of the choir concert have gone almost flawlessly, or at least as flawlessly as can be expected, given the quality of the songs being performed and the soloists. Bah, at least the audience likes it.

Someone should put an electified dog collar on me so that I don't procrastinate and do my homework, but that's not going to happen so much. I have a linear algebra assignment due monday, and between choir concerts and BCO rehearsals, I don't know when I'll have time... except for now, when I'm computering. Bah, at least the audience likes it.

Cool song: The Ghost of Stephen Foster by the Squirrel Nut Zippers.
(I will learn the violin part once I have time.)

Ilana's homework: Learn some fiddle reels so as to be able to do more interesting things for DE.

Yes, I'm stealing all of Mekashef's ideas.

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