Saturday, April 16, 2005

Linux is great, if you can figure it out.

Right now, at this very moment, I'm using a version of Linux called Unbuntu, which is the only version that works for my type of computer, methinks. It's awefully slow, as it's running from a live cd, and I can't seem to figure out how to access the files on my hard drive that I'd use with Mac OS, and I can't seem to figure out how most of the things work, but you know, it's cool. At least I can do things with my gmail account that I couldn't before with Internet Explorer, as Linux comes with Mozilla Firefox. I also couldn't figure out how to use MSN, but it's all good.

Our table at Rock for the River seemed to make a good impression. I think that the absurdity of it all was a good promotional device, if nothing else. And now we have almost 81 new email addresses of people we can harrass with notices of upcoming shows! Muahahaha! And saving the ampersand is such a good cause! I just wish now that Matt's installation had been working for longer because once it got going, it was uber cool.

By the way, I'm overworked and underpaid again. I discovered the other day that I only have $11 in my bank account. Also, I have no less than six things due on Tuesday... two lab reports, a calculus assignment, an oral presentation, a portfolio entry, and a quiz to study for. Ahhhhhh!!!! Well, I just thought I'd share a little bit of my stress with the internet-world.

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