Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A lovely evening with the CFUW, Sherbrooke & District

On May 31st, the Canadian Federation of University Women, Sherbrooke & District, assembled for the 2005 Awards Dinner at l'Hotel Le Président. From 6:15 to 6:45 pm, there was a cash bar with a variety of beverages as members and guests alike assembled in the hotel's lobby. At 6:45 pm, dinner was served in Champlain Hall.

After a small salad entree, a welcoming speech was given by the federation's president, Bev Taber-Smith. Everyone present was then delighted to taste a wonderful leek soup, followed by a chicken kabob, served with vegetables and rice. The guests, Yvette Williams, the director of Vocational Education, Andrée Lafleur, the Academic Dean of Champlain College, Sylvie Béquet, the incoming Dean of Bishop's School of Business, and Roger Noël, the Dean of Faculty Administration at Université de Sherbrooke, were then presented, along with a description of the awards to be given.

After a lovely carrot cake for desert, the University Women's Scholarship Foundation Awards were given out. Jewel Aulis received the Vocational Education Centre Home care & Family & Social Assistance Program Award, Lynda McKelvey received the Vocational Education Centre Accounting Program Award, Caroline Masson received the Vocational Education Centre Welding-Fitting Program Award, Heather Keith, who, unfortunately could not be present, received the Members' Returning Student Award, Ilana MacDonald received the Champlain College Science Prize, Heather Dezan received the Eileen Healy Prize for Leadership, Janice Jackson received the Marlis & Sigrid Wehr Mature Student Award, Christelle Leblanc received the Claire Heller Heilig LLB-MBA Prize, and Suzie Darbyson received the Diana MacKay Kuilman Memorial Prize.

After the presentation, coffee and tea were served, and the award winners had their pictures taken together. The meeting then ended and all assembled finished off the evening in lovely conversation, the award winners receiving much congratulations. The next meeting will be a potluck on June 18th.

Anyone who has ever read the articles at the end of the Sherbrooke Record will get this, hopefully.

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