Saturday, May 21, 2005

Star Wars Closure

Well, I just came back from seeing Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and it was pretty good. Everything progressed as it should have, there were no MAJOR plot flaws, and the action was pretty frickin' awesome. I found that there were a lot of corny lines, and though that is sort of the style of Star Wars movies, I think that it wasn't as good as the original trilogy. The special effects were amazing, but that's to be expected in a multi-million dollar Lucas film. And of course, Yoda was the hero of the show, as Etienne put it, "One of the only redeaming qualities of the film." I wouldn't go that far, but he was the most awesome of all the characters. All in all, it was leagues better than Episodes I and II, but still not quite as good as the original trilogy.

In other news, it's my birthday in two days! Hourra! I'll be 19! Actually, I'm not that excited. I don't really want to do any partying except for a dinner with my parents. Maybe I'll decide differently later, but for now, I'm rather meh. I guess that 19 isn't quite as climatic as turning 18, when I became legal and all that. Ah well.

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