Thursday, July 07, 2005
The Torontonaut has returned!
My weekend in Ontario was successful. I saw Adam in Cornwall, a dump of a city, I'm afraid to say, and that was nice. We had breakfast at a place that reminds me of a mixture between Sebby's and a slightly more classy Pizzaville. Good hash browns. Via Rail is evil and they should have nasty letters written to them. For some reason, one must have an international student card to profit from student rates. I don't understand why a regular student card isn't enough... GRR! At any rate, we took the bus home from Toronto and missed our bus to Sherbrooke, so we had to stay overnight in Montreal, but that was ok.
Toronto was very cool. I did so much walking that my feet were swollen all weekend. I finally met Jeremy, who will someday rule the world. We went shopping much of the time there, and I got myself some bargains at used record and books stores. I'm especially excited about these tapes of Richard Feynman lectures which I got at a sixth of the original price. He's the coolest physicist ever. I got to see my grandmother too, and that was really nice.
And to finish off, here's a drawing I made a long time ago of what Etienne would call "Weapons of Mass Distraction":

Toronto was very cool. I did so much walking that my feet were swollen all weekend. I finally met Jeremy, who will someday rule the world. We went shopping much of the time there, and I got myself some bargains at used record and books stores. I'm especially excited about these tapes of Richard Feynman lectures which I got at a sixth of the original price. He's the coolest physicist ever. I got to see my grandmother too, and that was really nice.
And to finish off, here's a drawing I made a long time ago of what Etienne would call "Weapons of Mass Distraction":