Friday, December 02, 2005

So, a turkey attacked me the other day...

A few days ago, I was taking out the trash and there was this wild turkey across the street on the neighbours' lawn, making gobbly noises, which at first sounded like the cries of a wounded dog. So, I was at the end of my driveway, and it started to come down the neighbours' driveway and run at me. Obviously, I ran away back into the garage, where both my parents were, my mother trying to take a picture of it. Dad closed the door after me, but not until it after it was only a few feet away from us because Mom was trying to take a picture. As we cowered in the house, it paced around our front lawn, eyeing the windows we were watching from. Mom managed to take this picture:

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It may sound silly, but that turkey had malice in its dull eyes and murder on its pea-sized brain. It would have killed me, given the chance. Next time I'll drop kick it.

Besides that, my life has been rather uninteresting... only in that I haven't been attacked by anything else, except for Oliver with his choir binder. That's ok though. I kicked his ass. I've been really really busy with the end of classes and such and I have this strange feeling that I won't get any work done this weekend. It was the first choir show tonight and the second one is on Sunday. Tomorrow we have a recording session and it's Josee's birthday dinner. On top of that, I have three assignments due next week and my first exam is on Wednesday. I'm seriously considering taking some sort of drug so I don't have to sleep anymore. That'd be nice.

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