Saturday, February 18, 2006

An interesting insight into racism

This morning, Sam showed me a website, entitled "Black People Love Us!". It appears to be a site created by a middle-class white couple bragging about how they're obviously not racist because they have so many black friends. At first, I was shocked and then I realized that it couldn't possibly be serious. As one of the numerous people who responded to the site in the "Your Letters" section said, "It was like being in a car crash, and then seeing that everyone in the car was unhurt."

After having visited the whole site, I realized that the whole thing was just a very interesting social commentary. The authors of the site are obviously making fun of white people who try to break down racial barriers by acting out the black stereotype and thus making the difference all that much more apparent. I don't know anyone personally who acts like this, but I can see how one can easily fall into that mindset.

The part that struck me the most was the previously-mentioned "Your Letters" section. There was a whole range of reactions to the site, everything from people who thought the site was serious and were appalled by its apparent racist message to people who thought the site was hilarious to people who saw a little bit of themselves in Sally and Johnny, the white couple, and were a little ashamed. It was amazing how many people were insulted by the site, which really goes to show how people are generally pretty close-minded. Anyway, I strongly recommend that you go visit this site for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

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