Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Siberian apricot

At least ten years ago, my mother planted a Siberian apricot in our front yard. It had never flowered until this spring and it is a beautiful thing to see. Pictures of it can be found here and here, though those aren't particularly clear photos, given that they were taken with our digital camcorder which isn't really meant for still shots.

In other news, Oliver is having a birthday party with a Star Wars theme and I found the perfect twi'lek costume tutorial. Of course, instead of blue skin, I'll have violet skin and I'll be wearing different clothing than that character in particular. I'm probably going to have the most elaborate costume there, but that's ok.

Speaking of birthdays, soon I'll be all of 20 years old, soon being in three weeks. I haven't really thought about what I want for my birthday... Obviously there's the big stuff like a laptop or an amp or an iPod or whatever, but I don't really expect people to get me stuff like that. My very own pair of needle-nose pliers would be nice, or maybe some pet guppies. But really, I don't think I need more stuff. I'm generally happy just having good friends to hang out with and people around me who I know care for me.

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