Tuesday, September 27, 2005

65% of Americans want Creationism to be taught in school.

I saw this article in the September 26, 2005 edition of the Montreal Gazette this morning, and I thought I'd share it with the world. I, personally, find it very very scary.


Sunday, September 25, 2005

Some Photoshope dohickies

This is a little something I whipped up on Photoshop with inspiration from a tutorial, while I was supposed to be doing homework. I thought that maybe this Warhol-esk style would be something to use for the band or whatever.

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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Sick as a duck, again.

Sometimes I wish I had a religion so I could blame my problems on a deity. Ah well, I guess I'll just have to blame my weak immune system. I have a cold that's making my life pretty miserable. I may have got it from any dozen of people because whenever anyone is sick within a twenty foot radius of me, I'm bound to get it. Maybe I should start taking garlic pills like Herr Doktor suggested.

My cold didn't prevent me from going to this awesome Liva concert though. It was at the Granada and I went with Jojo, Oliver, my brother and four of his friends. I was in awe the whole time Liva played. The opening band was called Hanker, and they were good in their own way... They had the whole hardcore metal thing going on, but I had the impression that they were trying to hard to conform to that style. I mean, the second guitarist had the whole "I am a guitar god, and I'm sexy to boot" look going on, even though he wasn't amazing. But when Liva came on... they were so good! Their singing is even better in concert than on CD, which is a rare occurance, I think. The lead guitarist was amazing (even though he has long hair with a bald spot, teehee!) and the violist was even more amazing. I love bowed instruments in rock. It's just so cool. The concert made me want to go home and practice, which I may yet do.

Worth a listen: I am my own Grandpa by Ray Stevens.


Friday, September 16, 2005

Some random pictures.

I'm sorry about that link in the last post. I realize that some people found it base and humiliating, but I thought it was funny. Anywho, I just finished an amazing band practice where we made good use of that expensive blue mixer of ours. Also, there are buttons now!!! I had an incredible night on Tuesday, but I was too drunk to remember most of it. My first three classes the next day are a blur. Tomorrow, I plan to crash a Religion party. Much excitement.

And now, a few pictures that I found while going through my mom's folder. Hahaha!

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Myself, my mother and Cameron at a cousin's wedding in Toronto.

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My family in 1990.

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Me at age four.

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My family at a wedding in Nova Scotia this summer.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comMe at Thetford Mines, looking very cool.


Sunday, September 11, 2005

A cool quiz and other stuff

It's been a while since I've updated, but I've also been very busy. My first week of school was ok. All my teachers seem very nice and with the exception of my Stats class, the subject matter seems pretty interesting. I'm taking Fluid and Thermal Physics, Intro. to Mechanics, Statistical Methods in Experimental Science, Programming Methodology and Advanced Calculus I. Add to that band practices, chamber orchestra practices, two violin lessons to teach a week and choir, and I'll be a very busy little bee this semester. Other than class stuff, my first week sort of sucked when it came to material stuff. I lost my brand new blazer on Tuesday and it had a box full of Pocky in the pocket and a brooch on the lapel that my mother had given me. Then, on Wednesday, I lost one of my favourite earings and my Baileys glass broke. I've also spent a fortune on books, but that can't really be helped. At least I made a lot of money this summer and I have that scholarship to rely on.

Other than school, my life has been relatively uneventful. I haven't really been participating in any frosh activities, which is cool by me because I don't really feel like frosh. I went to part of the big concert on Friday which featured the Trews and Boy, both whom I've never heard of. Boy kind of sucked and I didn't stick around to hear the Trews. I went to an outdoors afternoon concert yesterday and I heard Morning Wood, the Water Solubles and J. F. Coley. All were pretty good, and my favourite was the Water Solubles. The only weak point with them is their lyrics, but they're funny, so it's all good. Sam also has the button machine now, so the band is going to start button production really soon. I think I'm going to be the one doing the printing and stuff and I already have a couple of cool designs. I really hope that we're going to have a show soon, but things are very uncertain in that department, mainly because we're lazy, I think.

Last, but not least, I found this quiz that predicts the future of your love life based on a few questions. I don't know how accurate it is, but it was pretty fun. I urge you all to try it!!! (or not, whatever) It's right here. Well, enjoy yourselves with that!


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