Saturday, March 25, 2006
I first found out about this great (sort of) new theory that might enable people to build an engine that could travel in hyperspace making space travel much faster and revolutionizing our means of exploring the universe from
Sam's blog. The best article about it is found
here. It's based on the theories of a certain german physicist called
Burkhard Heim, a genius who's theories aren't really well-known or even understood. In a nutshell, they provide the link between the theories of quantum mechanics and those of special relativity, before two incompatible fields. It's really exciting! I'm going to get my physics prof at school to look at this and we'll see what he has to say about it!
You can find a couple more articles about it here and here.
# posted by Unknown : 3:51:00 p.m.

Thursday, March 16, 2006
Pictures of me
I was using the program Photo Booth on a new G5 iMac and it was much fun. Here are some pictures I made of myself:

# posted by Unknown : 11:09:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 12, 2006
A little bit of spring in the air
It's been very warm for the last few days, the snow has melted considerably and the river is breaking up. I think spring is in the air, but I have this feeling that we'll have another blizzard before it truly arrives. Speaking of warm weather, my parents took a vacation in Cuba over the spring break and had much fun. My mom wrote a
blog entry about it, for whoever's interested.
Tomorrow is the first day of Purim and so I'll be making hamantashen today. Hopefully, I'll be able to have a feast on Tuesday, but I might be too busy. Purim is definitely the most fun of Jewish holidays, and besides Hannukah, it's the only one I'm really interested in celebrating.
# posted by Unknown : 3:09:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 05, 2006
An old drawing
I found this in my closet and I liked it a lot when I first drew it, so I thought I'd share it with everybody.

# posted by Unknown : 10:16:00 p.m.

Some radio links
I was listening to
KEXP, a Seattle-based radio station, this morning and I heard some interesting shows about anti-globalization movements, the war on Iraq and lots of other interesting political stuff. There was a speech from someone part of the
Blue Planet Project who was talking about a demonstration in Cancun at a WTO meeting of some sort. What particularly touched me about that was a South Korean farmer who killed himself atop the barricade holding the protesters back because a mall had been built on his land. Another interesting site is that of
NARAL, an organization promoting women's reproductive rights. Finally, you should check out the
Centre for Constitutional Rights which features information on why Bush should be impeached.
# posted by Unknown : 10:07:00 a.m.

Friday, March 03, 2006
Today probably wasn't one of my best. The morning was ok. I worked on my research paper, which is coming along nicely, and goofed off the proper amount. The bad part started when I decided to go to town to get my picture taken to renew my medicare card. It was cold out. Cold, I think is an understatement. My legs were frozen before I was even half way there. The thermometer reading wasn't actually that low, but the wind was killer. It was an evil unrelenting North wind. By the time I got to the pharmacy, my eyelashes had big chunks of ice on them and I couldn't feel my legs anymore.
On the way back, I decided that it would probably be a good idea to drop by the school and get started on that programming assignment which is due Monday. Once there and properly settled in, I opened my binder, read over my assignment instructions, only to realize that I had absolutely no idea how to even get started on the darn thing. I then proceeded to curse the teacher for having given us an assignment over the break, when I don't have access to the school's computers all the time, and making it due the class right before our midterm exam. Then I felt sorry for myself because was stupid enough to leave it to the last minute and not try to understand it earlier. I shot off an email to my teacher, begging him to give me a hint of some sort, and left the computer lab, dejected and feeling like I'd completely wasted my time. The walk home wasn't quite as windy, but it was still rather awful.
I hate winter and I hate homework and I hate having to do work over the break, which isn't really a break considering I have to write this stupid paper, do my programming assignment, start a Calculus assignment, and study for two midterms, all this for the week after break. I'm stressed and this isn't much of a break.
At least I found a nice website, the Lucky W Amulet Archive. I stumbled across it when looking up apotropaic magic and I thought it was really neat. Also, the band website is slowly being fixed. Hourra for happy things!
# posted by Unknown : 11:22:00 p.m.
