Monday, July 25, 2005
Extremely happy to be back
I have just returned from yet another trip. Any more travelling and I may be sick. Well, at least not for a couple of weeks. With my lovely family, I travelled from cozy little Lennoxville to Toronto, Cambridge, Guelph, Toronto again for a fantastic wedding (my first experience with a Jewish wedding), Wasaga Beach, Sauble Beach, Kincardine, Ipperwash, Grand Bend, Ann Arbour, Guelph, Toronto and back to Lennoxville. My brother and mom calculated that we spent over 35 hours in the car, and we added almost 3000 km to the odometer. We did a lot of beaching, and I now have a bit of a sunburn and funny tan lines. I'm certainly glad to be home though, because I missed so many band practices and I ache to start karate again.
I'm particularly happy right now because I just installed all these patches on the evil UNIX machine and now I can use Firefox on this computer and do all sorts of fun web things. I feel sort of bad because we went to so much trouble installing this better browser and it seems that the only good that'll come from it is me being able to surf the internet at work in a more comprehensive manner. Oh well. I'm happy.
Now that I'm back, I'm going to have to catch up with all that I've missed. I'll make myself a big huge to-do list. Etienne just gave me more drawings to do for the labyrinth, and I have other drawings, essays, practicing stuff to do. The excitement!!!
# posted by Unknown : 12:31:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 14, 2005
Why do I do these things?

Take the
What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz.
# posted by Unknown : 8:22:00 p.m.

I heart David Usher
Last night, after an orgasmic display of fireworks at the
Fête du Lac des Nations, I saw an even more orgasmic
David Usher concert at the same location. Unfortunately, I was behind three tall guys, one of whom was kind enough to give me his spot, though it didn't really help that much. I saw most of the concert, I think, by standing on my toes and constantly changing positions to see between heads. David Usher was fantastic, though I don't know his songs so well so I didn't notice the "obvious" mistakes he was making with his lyrics. My guess is that he was drunk. He seems like an awesome guy, really friendly. His violinist, Lindsay, was the most impressive, I thought. I may be biased because I play violin and she had a five-string electric just like me, but I thought she was simply amazing. She would lean backwards like some sort of violin fairy and I want to be her now. Sigh... That such things could come true.
Otherwise, I'm going to see a Half-Baked tonight, and leaving for a place to learn, a place to grow, Ontari-ari-ario. I'll be gone for a whole week, I hope you won't miss me too much.
# posted by Unknown : 6:18:00 p.m.

Friday, July 08, 2005
I was part of a weblog survey...

This is my favorite South Park me so far:

I think it best describes me, perhaps...
# posted by Unknown : 4:01:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 07, 2005
The Torontonaut has returned!
My weekend in Ontario was successful. I saw Adam in Cornwall, a dump of a city, I'm afraid to say, and that was nice. We had breakfast at a place that reminds me of a mixture between Sebby's and a slightly more classy Pizzaville. Good hash browns. Via Rail is evil and they should have nasty letters written to them. For some reason, one must have an international student card to profit from student rates. I don't understand why a regular student card isn't enough... GRR! At any rate, we took the bus home from Toronto and missed our bus to Sherbrooke, so we had to stay overnight in Montreal, but that was ok.
Toronto was very cool. I did so much walking that my feet were swollen all weekend. I finally met Jeremy, who will someday rule the world. We went shopping much of the time there, and I got myself some bargains at used record and books stores. I'm especially excited about these tapes of
Richard Feynman lectures which I got at a sixth of the original price. He's the coolest physicist ever. I got to see my grandmother too, and that was really nice.
And to finish off, here's a drawing I made a long time ago of what Etienne would call "Weapons of Mass Distraction":
# posted by Unknown : 10:44:00 p.m.
