Thursday, June 24, 2004

Gods Form Outer Space

I just wrote about three long paragraphs of text and then Explorer crashed. I really really hate it when that happens. I'll try to reproduce what I was writing.

I am currently reading the book Gods From Outer Space by Erich von Däniken. It is basically trying to prove that early humans were somehow modified by extra-terrestrial beings, explaining our intelligence, etc. I soon realized that Erich is completely full of shit. He uses quotes from famous scientists and known facts, but none of these actually prove his point.

The first chapter of his book, entitled "Interstellar Space Flight Is Possible", tries to explain how aliens must have come to Earth because interstellar travel will someday be possible for humans. He is, of course, jumping to conclusions, but he continues to say that we'll someday be able to travel at the speed of light because radio waves do. Well, of course they do; they are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as is light, and these two things are one and the same, but at different wavelengths. So, he is saying that light travels at the speed of light. Well, duh!

The second chapter is titled "On the Track of Life" and talks about how human intelligence must have been developped by an alien species because there is no other logical explanation for it. Well, there is, of course. Random mutations could produce the brain power we have today. He goes on to bring the Bible into it, and I'm not trying to bash the Christian faith, but the Book is only a bunch of stories which can't be thought of as fact. The author says that when God created Eve from Adam's rib, it could have been aliens using the DNA from his bone marrow to create a woman. Erich seems to forget that females existed in species before humans evolved... so, couldn't a homonid species with both sexes just have evolved into humans? It seems less far-fetched than his hypothesis. Also, research has shown that female was the original sex and that all creatures are female by default, unless male hormones appear.

In conclusion, Erich von Däniken is an obvious crackpot. You can find his biography here or just do a google search with his name to find out more about his travels. I wonder if I'll be able to finish this book, but I think it will be difficult because I have problems with Mr. von Däniken's "logic".


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Schedule philosophies.

I was talking to a friend today about how it's really hard to get anything done unless there's structure to this thing. Well, I don't know about others, but it's definitely true for me. This is why summer is so hard for me. I just can't get anything done because I don't have any structure to my life. It's like the more things I have to do, the more they get done. Weird, but probably not that weird.

This is mostly why I want a job, I think. Well, I need money too, but I also need some sort of structure to my life. I figure that if I have a job, I'll have to plan for the things I want to get done and they will get done. Then again, maybe not. I feel so wasted, like the time I'm spending living is useless. I really need to do something productive or I might go crazy. All I've been doing lately is unsuccessfully looking for jobs, partying, and sitting around doing nothing. Although the second option is nice, the rest annoys me a bit. I never thought I'd say this, but I think I miss school.

The other thing is, I really like organizing schedules. One of my favorite things about college is that you get to make a schedule. Yes, I suppose I am strange, but it's the truth. Creating order out of chaos is kinda fun. Of course, once I have the schedule, I find it very easy to lead my life. But when I want to do something non-scheduled that doesn't have to do with class, but that I do in my spare time, I just can't finish it. I wanted to learn Hebrew one summer, but I stopped because I just sort of lost interest. The thing about schedules is that they force you to do the thing even if you don't want to. Maybe I should add things like that to a schedule and organize my entire life like that down to the hour, but that seems so unnatural.



Tuesday, June 15, 2004

A bit of procrastination...

I have to clean the garage in the near future because I want to go to Wellington this afternoon to go shopping with a buddy. However, this isn't a job that I'm going to enjoy doing and, therefore, I'm putting it off as long as possible. Go me! (Unintentional reference to the LotR diaries.)

Anyway, I finally thought of an answer to Sam's question about a funny saying that always makes me laugh. It would have to be, "Bonjour, je m'appelle Français. J'ai du fromage dans mes souliers, et vous?" It translates roughly to "Good day, my name is French. I have cheese in my shoes, and you?" I can't remember who first said it... It was either Matt or Ryan. At any rate, it makes me laugh every time I hear it.

What else can I talk about to waste time? Hmmm... I could talk about my band practice last night. By the way, the blog for our band, named Doppleganger (spelling is dubious), is called Sitra Ahra and the link can be found on the sidebar of this blog. Well, a friend of Sam's, Dan, came in and recorded us, which was interesting. I sounded like shit, and for some reason I was nervous. I play violin, by the way. Our singer was way too loud, but that can be fixed. And yeah... I'm so boring. Our band consists of vocals, a piano, a guitar, a violin, and drums. Non-linear, zig-zagging thought. I'll shut up now.


Monday, June 14, 2004

The magical questions.

Well, I volunteered to be interviewed by Sam. His questions seem interesting enough for me to bother answering them. Well, here goes:

5 Questions

1) What is your favorite kind of ice cream, why, and what emotions, if any, are instilled in you when you eat this particular type of ice cream?

My favorite ice cream varies with my mood, but I usually like Rolo because it's all chocolatey and caramely which makes me feel happy. Yes, I make sense! I like sherbets too, but they don't really count as ice cream. I think I like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream too because it's comforting when I'm depressed. Does that answer the question?

2) What is your favorite band?  Tell a bit about them.  Do you think they will be angry if they find out that I just downloaded 15 of their songs?

My favorite band was Red Hot Chili Peppers for a while, and then it was Our Lady Peace. Right now I don't really have a favourite band because I sort of listen to all sorts of stuff. A band I've always appreciated is System of a Down because they are heavy metalish, but actually have talent as musicians and composers. I wouldn't really care if you downloaded every single track they've ever recorded, because I'd do it myself in a second. Yeah, yeah, artist's rights, blah blah blah. Also, I don't think any of those bands would care whether or not you downloaded all their music because they're all really rich and famous.

3) Fix it yourself or call for help? Or tinker a bit, break something and then resort to option number two and pretend you didn't do anything?

Hmmm... I'd have to say that I'd call for help, mostly because I usually have no clue as to how things work and because I'm notoriously lazy.

4) What is the funniest word or phrase that you can think of at the moment and that makes you laugh everytime?  One of mine is "Pug Fugly" if that helps.

I personally like the expression... wait, thinking of something... ummmm.... I used to laugh every time Jonah (my boyfriend) would say "chowder" like Mayor Quinby's nephew said it in the Simpsons episode where Bart skips school, but not really anymore. So, I can't think of anything right now... yes, I know I'm boring.

5) Now, since I have done all the work up to this point, you get to make up an interesting question and answer it with an equally interesting answer.  Yes, I do realize this is quite a cop out and that this isn't in the rules, but I think this will be more fun.  Also, I am really interested about what you will find an interesting question, and more so an interesting answer to the question.  I guess this is a bit redundant since I wouldn't have asked the question if I hadn't wanted to know.

Ok, my question is: What's your favourite movie? And my answer is: Waking Life! It's an independent film about a young man who gets caught in a lucid dream. I really like it because, well, first of all, it's an interesting concept, and second of all, because it was first filmed normally and then each frame was painted over which gives the movie a very dreamy quality. There's also a lot of philosophy talk considering the main character walks around meeting people who share their thoughts with him for a good portion of the movie. If you need a lot of action in a film to keep you interested, I wouldn't recommend it, but otherwise, I thought it was an excellent film.

Ok, so I answered the questions... now, I'm supposed to have five people ask me to be interviewed and I will ask five questions, etc. Here are the rules:

1. Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.

2. I will respond to up to five of you; I'll ask you five questions.

3. You'll update your website with my five questions, and your five answers.

4. You'll include this explanation.

5. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

In other news, I had a magical adventure today. My mom took me to my ACI interview, which went well, by the way, and afterward, she wanted to take me out for a treat. We parked illegally in one of the parking lots across the street from the Van Houtte where we were going to eat. As we were sipping our coffees, I noticed our car being towed away and mentionned it to Mom.

We calmly finished our treat and walked to the parking lot to make sure it was really our car that was taken away. It was. So, Mom proceeded to get very mad at the people in the building which the parking lot had been reserved there and explained that she was going to eat at the restaurant in that building, but had gone to the bank beside the Van Houtte coffee place first to get some money. Unfortunately, that didn't work.

So, we had to take a taxi to the towing place because my dad was out with the other car and was unable to drive us. Fortunately, the taxi driver was very nice. Mom paid the towing guys and asked if there was any way for her to be refunded, but there wasn't. And then we drove home. Then end.


Monday, June 07, 2004

Out of boredom...

I did a quiz that I read about in Sam's blog. I have no life.

Take the quiz: "Which American City Are You?"

San Francisco
Liberal and proud, you'll live your lifestyle however you choose in the face of all that would supress you.

I guess that that describes me...


The very first post.

I have given in to the blogging craze. Today, I was rather bored and, being sick, I spent a lot of time on the computer. So then, after randomly surfing the net for a while, I decided to create my very own blog and become a voice on the internet. Whee!


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