Thursday, July 29, 2004
Even more quizzes

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
I've really got to get a life!
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Hyperventilating over a katana.
The other place we visited was a place that sold everything from hash pipes and bongs to junk food to dirty birthday cards and magazines. It was a place called the "Tabagie" and they also have well-priced swords. My boyfriend bought a very cool knife and also got me a small hunting knife. On Friday, I'm going back to get a trio of samurai weapons which includes a sword, a short sword and a dagger, plus the stand. All this is for about $150 and they're actually quality weapons. I got to try the katana out and it gave me tingles.
No, I'm not a sicko who likes killing people with oriental weapons. I just like pointy things and shiny things. Put the two together and I get really crazy. I'd never hurt anybody with a sword, but owning them is fun. I've been doing karate for a while and so I'm infatuated with all that is Japanese and related to the martial arts. Yay! Ok, writing quickly degenerating... must go eat.
Friday, July 23, 2004
Another dumb quiz.
You have a heartsick soul! Youre the type of girl
who always has a crush and is writing their
name on all your books. You are a hopeless
romantic. Waiting for that prince charming, you
take love seriously, but still play any chance
you get. You can have a lot if boys who are
friends, but waiting for that perfect
boyfriend. Sometimes you are discouraged
because there are no sparks but even if the
smallest thing happens, youre on Cloud 9. You
believe in true love and wait for it. Just dont
be afraid to take a chance. Love is all about
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla
Late nightedness makes me tired.
Anyway, I completely forget what I was going to write about. It might come to me as I babble incoherently. By the way, my band, Doppelganger Effekt, now has an official website. See the link at right. It's not quite finished yet, but I had a lot of fun today making up stuff for it. There's this thing where you ask my doppelganger questions and I made some answers for it. They're mainly nonsensical, but that doesn't really matter.
By this point, you might be wondering why I haven't gone to bed yet. Well, I'm waiting for 11:00 pm to happen so that I can call Chris, my good friend who is at a play right now. He was at the same camp my boyfriend councilled at and has come home for the weekend. He's fun to talk to. Hmmm... I don't feel like typing anymore. Well, that settles it. Good night!
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Still here.
Monday, July 12, 2004
Early Morning Deep Musings
That story, however, isn't nearly as cool as one my grandmother told me. When she was a little girl, she made a new friend and was very excited because she was going to her friend's house the next day. That night she had a dream that she was at the friend's house. She was lead into a garden in the back yard and remembered specifically a tree and the dress her friend's mother was wearing. The next morning, everything was exactly as it was in her dream.
My mom has a cool theory about this. She thinks of time as a sort of ribbon, and when we have dreams, we're somehow transported above the ribbon, to some higher dimension, and we get a brief glance of what is on the ribbon as a whole. Of course, this theory sort of implies predeterminism, which I'm not a great fan of.
I can't really explain things like that, but they're definitely weird. Also, other things I've experienced, like telepathy, are hard to explain. I was once in a shoe store with my mom and I wandered to the front while she was buying something. I clearly heard in my head, "Ilana?" I then asked my mom if she had said my name, and she said that she had thought it. That was kind of weird.
I try to think of myself as a scientifically minded person, and when there is something which happens which we can't just attribute to coincidence, I feel slightly annoyed. I try to blame this sort of thing on tricks of the mind, or very unlikely coincidence. It sort of works for me. Yeah, starting to get disjointed here... time to quit.
Friday, July 09, 2004
Farenheit 9/11
It was an excellent, and I repeat excellent documentary. It made me cry, it made me laugh, but more importantly, it confirmed what I thought about the Bush administration. It even went further to teach me some new things I had never known. I left the theatre angry and wanting to burn down an American embassy, though that wouldn't have solved much. Even if half the things Michael Moore accused Bush of weren't true, it's still a very damning commentary.
The thing that shocked me most was the total ignorance some people have concerning what's actually happening in their country. I mean, as long as someone pays even the slightest attention to the news, they get the idea that something strange and not quite kosher is going on. I was also shocked by the fact that the Senate doesn't even read the bills they pass. Agh! What's the world coming to? What the hell goes on in a country where nobody knows what's happening?
I suppose it's not entirely the fault of the American public. In fact, it's not their fault at all. The use of the media is disgusting. Keeping the people in a constant state of fear was a back-handed way of getting them to rally behind their president, allowing him to do whatever he wanted. I thought he was just an idiot, but that hasn't stopped him from being a greedy, scheming bastard. I really hope that this movie opened some eyes, and perhaps prevent Bush's reelection.
Thus ends my second rant.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
The woes of a telemarketer.
What I like best is when people are nice to me on the phone. I don't care whether or not I sell them anything, as long as they're pleasant. Some old ladies call me "dear", and a guy today said I had a nice voice. Actually, about that last statement, I'm not too sure. I was flattered and then freaked out slightly. Unfortunately, for the most part, people are just really rude and hang up on me.
To add to the sadness, or whatever it is, my boyfriend has left to be a summer camp councillor somewhere far far away, and I won't see him for about six weeks. I don't know how I'll stand it. I'm so clingy... At least he's helping underpriviledged children or something. And at least I have my incredibly fun job to keep me occupied. Did I mention that my mouth has been constantly dry since I started working? Oh oh, this is turning into a bitching session.
Good things are happening too. A friend from far away is visiting my town this weekend and stayed at my place last night, and will be staying again tonight. I've been able to spend a lot of time with her which is nice. We've gone shopping and partying. To tell you the truth, I went to three parties consecutively last weekend. Friday, I went to my boyfriend's prom, Saturday, friends came over and we watched movies, then Sunday, the same group of friends and I went camping. Ok, so my life doesn't suck.
Except for the cramps in my wrists from typing in a weird position. Yay!