Saturday, April 30, 2005
Cadavre Exquis
Their grace on us is like dewdrops
Dripping off a fresh rose
The garden where the song was sung by the green fairy
Is the place to be. Covered with the wings of darkness,
My life faces away.
My soul shattered like a pane of
Stained-glass window from an abandoned
Church. For you will spontaneously
Combust. Burn your insides with the
Fiery pain of a thousand fallen souls. Pay for their
Sin. The best method in avoiding such a temptation
Would be to give in to it, or so says
West. The deafening sounds reverberates as the
Coffee effluvia lingers in the air; can you smell
It? Is Sire so pure as to swallow everything
Certain? I don't think so. Ignore what you
Voiceless screams break the everlasting silence.
The darkness cloaking me, I preveiled through
This ordeal with only a few minor changes.
Fried vegetables taste funny after
Midnight. The man I was following
Was scum, the type of guy that people would stop to
Watch the cops beat that sick smile off his
Face. His features were the color of caramel, a
Daunting complexion that caught the eye like no
That was written by Andra, Chris, Etienne, Matt, Mailin, Oliver, Josee, Sam, and me. We each wrote a line, or something.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Almost done school!
First of all, I've been chosen to be this year's Valedictorian. I got a letter several weeks ago saying that I'd been chosen, but then I found out that 9 other people had been chosen also, so I really didn't know what to think. Then, I got another letter the other day saying that I was to get to the graduation ceremony early to find my spot on stage... so I guess that means I won. Anyway, now I've got to think of a speech. I want to make it interesting, yet not terribly silly, and I want to make it inspiring, but not boring and corny. I think this will be tough. Anyone who has any ideas, fell free to suggest them.
Next little bit of news, I finally have a summer job, though most of you probably know this. I'm working in the Physics department at BU as a research assistant of some sort. Apparently, I'll be making only about $8.75 an hour, but I have 35 hours a week for about three months and it sure beats waitressing or working at a call center... *cough cough Nordia* It should be interesting work, as I'm going to be doing computer simulation stuff.
Finally, Mailin, our wonderful German superfan, stayed at my place for almost a week, and it was a lot of fun. We went dancing and shopping, and had many interesting conversations. I had a party/band practice at my house for her, and it ended up in a huge mess, a pickle on my pillow and an alarm clock, hidden under my bed, waking me up at 4:20 am two days later. Actually, it was quite fun, though little practicing got done.
Anywho, I have an integrative essay to write... 'til next time!
Mailin on the bus
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Some of my favourite movies
- Waking Life
- Six String Samurai
- Shaolin Soccer
- Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
- Fight Club
- Lord of the Rings
- Monty Python's And Now for Something Completely Different
There are others, but they slip from my mind...
Linux is great, if you can figure it out.
Our table at Rock for the River seemed to make a good impression. I think that the absurdity of it all was a good promotional device, if nothing else. And now we have almost 81 new email addresses of people we can harrass with notices of upcoming shows! Muahahaha! And saving the ampersand is such a good cause! I just wish now that Matt's installation had been working for longer because once it got going, it was uber cool.
By the way, I'm overworked and underpaid again. I discovered the other day that I only have $11 in my bank account. Also, I have no less than six things due on Tuesday... two lab reports, a calculus assignment, an oral presentation, a portfolio entry, and a quiz to study for. Ahhhhhh!!!! Well, I just thought I'd share a little bit of my stress with the internet-world.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
It's hard to think of interesting titles.
Someone should put an electified dog collar on me so that I don't procrastinate and do my homework, but that's not going to happen so much. I have a linear algebra assignment due monday, and between choir concerts and BCO rehearsals, I don't know when I'll have time... except for now, when I'm computering. Bah, at least the audience likes it.
Cool song: The Ghost of Stephen Foster by the Squirrel Nut Zippers.
(I will learn the violin part once I have time.)
Ilana's homework: Learn some fiddle reels so as to be able to do more interesting things for DE.
Yes, I'm stealing all of Mekashef's ideas.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Similar Minds and Pointcaré
"The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living."
-Henri Pointcaré, French mathematician