Monday, February 27, 2006
And they said it couldn't be done...
Sunday, February 26, 2006
A couple more sketches for the website
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Meat grinders
Monday, February 20, 2006
Some Chuck Norris jokes
The Great Wall was originally built to keep Chuck Norris out of China. It failed.
Police label anyone attacking Chuck Norris as a Code 45-11.... a suicide.
The opening scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is loosely based on games of dodgeball Chuck Norris played in second grade.
Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)
In the beginning there was nothing...then Chuck Norris Roundhouse kicked that nothing in the face and said "Get a job". That is the story of the universe.
If you Google search "Chuck Norris getting his ass kicked" you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen.
By the way, there are now Mr. T facts. Mr. T is very cool.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
An interesting insight into racism
After having visited the whole site, I realized that the whole thing was just a very interesting social commentary. The authors of the site are obviously making fun of white people who try to break down racial barriers by acting out the black stereotype and thus making the difference all that much more apparent. I don't know anyone personally who acts like this, but I can see how one can easily fall into that mindset.
The part that struck me the most was the previously-mentioned "Your Letters" section. There was a whole range of reactions to the site, everything from people who thought the site was serious and were appalled by its apparent racist message to people who thought the site was hilarious to people who saw a little bit of themselves in Sally and Johnny, the white couple, and were a little ashamed. It was amazing how many people were insulted by the site, which really goes to show how people are generally pretty close-minded. Anyway, I strongly recommend that you go visit this site for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Ilana's Googlisms
ilana is an award
I'm given out every year for the "Most poorly dressed" prize.
ilana is the sixth gundam pilot
I'm not sure, but that could have something to do with my awesome piloting abilities.
ilana is straightforward and unashamed to say what needs to be said
Most of the time, anyway.
ilana is committed to term limits and has pledged to serve no more than three terms in congress
That's right, but you'd wish I'd serve more.
ilana is one of the best aunts and the best actress in the world
Oh no! My brother got his girlfriend pregnant!
ilana is a certified reiki practitioner
I also know karate.
ilana is a well
A well of knowledge, maybe.
ilana is considering majors in the field of business
Gasp! Could it be?
ilana is always at the helm for docking
I'm a responsible sailor.
ilana is actually in a bar
And this is where she will remain until further notice.
ilana is a respected national manufacturer of car seat covers and is 100% australian owned
Those are darn good car seat covers, mate.
ilana is frank about her desire to marry a rich man
The richer, the better.
ilana is a princess
At least my mom thinks so.
ilana is number one?
No question about it!
ilana is now trying her hand at an historical novel
I had a little spare time, so I thought I'd whip one up over the weekend.
ilana is a really cool name
I like it.
ilana is 8 and is taking drum lessons
I wouldn't be quite the same person I am today if my parents had let me take drum lessons.
ilana is fluent in finnish
Hei , minun maine on Ilana.
ilana is still alive?
Last time I checked...
ilana is the female phenom in the band
This is most definitely true.
ilana is fit enough to ride her bicycle around a neutron star
Well, maybe just a white dwarf.
ilana is a poet
And she don't know it, but her feet sure show it. They're Longfellows and they smell like the Dickens!
ilana is an orphan and is living at her grandmother's in beer
I live in a giant bucket.
ilana is a kingpin
And I'll get that pesky Spider-Man!
ilana is my tour guide on my ongoing healing journey
And next, we'll visit the pancreas...
Monday, February 13, 2006
A doodle

This is a sketch of a creature that'll probably appear somewhere on the Doppelganger Effekt website, once I have it nicely coloured and such.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Ilana is addicted to online shopping
Hmm... So, I'm at school right now and I should be doing homework, but for some reason, I'm just goofing off on the computer doing nothing but look at random stuff on the internet. The nice lady who sold me a dress online sent me a picture of it. Here it is:
The seller was Iris Noir fashions. It's so pretty and it should be arriving next week. Hourra!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Up Yer Kilt!
In other news, I got some rather interesting span today:
Hello have a good day,
I am not sure where to begin,it is first time I try to use internet to
meet the man but the thing is,that I will work abroad I can choice
USA,Canada or Europe and I would like to meet the man to share free
evenings and be my guide. My friends helped me to send a few letters
to different address and I do hope that I am lucky to meet good and
kind should know that now I live in Russia and my goal is to leave this country because it's difficult being a sexy woman here alone
I will send a few photos if you reply.
if you don't have wife nor girlfriend ,maybe we could try to meet?
I am free I have not children and I have not boyfriend here.
I am 25 years old ,please write to me directly
to my mail. See you soon ,with great hope.
It struck me as strange, especially considering I'm not a man. Attached was a photo of herself.
Edit: This is the picture of her which she sent me.