Monday, June 27, 2005
Oh happy days!
I tried it with an amp, and the pickup seems to be working. Unfortunately, the volume and tone dials don't seem to do much and the headphones don't work at all. The main problem with it is that the tuning pegs are ultra slippery and there are no precision tuning screws so it's uber hard to tune. My fingers hurt from working at it. Overall, the tone is good, and all the accessories are fairly good quality. I think I'm happy with my purchase. Hourra!
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Baileys and Hot Cocoa

That's the only scanned image I have of it, but I'm too lazy to scan a better one. As for the others, Sam was wearing a black suit with a black shirt and a Doppelgänger Effekt pendant. Dr. Awesome was wearing a white tuxedo with white gloves and a powder blue bowtie and cummerbund. Ryan was wearing a black tuxedo. Ellie was wearing a black halter dress with a hankercheif hem and sequins, as well as a white tie. Etienne was wearing a black tuxedo with his top hat. Jonah was wearing a grey (?) suit with a fedora... and I can't remember the rest. Sorry guys.
To change the subject, I'm currently writing an essay entitled "Baileys and Hot Cocoa: A Detailed Analysis". I'll post it as soon as it's done. I'm writing this because Kevin asked me to when he gave me a bottle of Baileys for Christmas. It's taking a while, but I'm getting to it. It's supposed to be five pages and I already have a page.
In other news, my violin hasn't arrived yet, and so, I'm seriously contemplating emailing the seller if it doesn't arrive next week. Grr...
Monday, June 20, 2005
A Lovely Evening At The Lambie Estate
Later in the evening, the guests assembled to play an amusing game of "I never", and participated in a kegel contest from which Madame Ilana emerged victorious. During the games, Emperor Kang arrived with a large bag of Mexican candy, most of which was atrocious. By the end of the evening, the notable Dr. Awesome was rolling around in it and pouring it over himself in a hilarious fashion. Much fun was had by all, even the mysterious Baron Mekashef, who refused to drink.
Ok, that's all I've got...
Thursday, June 16, 2005
My new baby!

Sunday, June 12, 2005
The pamphlet for our show
Here it is. Unfortunately, Photobucket automatically resized it so the writing is a little small. Oh well, at least you can see the pictures. Enjoy!
Itchy toes
The battle of the bands, in my humble opinion, went very well. We placed third, and, given the terrible performance by the winning band, The Relief, I was slightly confused. The band who placed second was a high school cover band, Falling Short, who played mostly System of a Down. I thought they were pretty good, and I'm not surprised that they beat us. I'm not sure if the pamphlets we made were a success or not because they were distributed without me noticing, but I can safely say that we were the only band who had any. Eventually, I'll scan one of them and post it, but I don't have any at home right now.
Yesterday was Friendship day, and I watched the parade with Sam. It was a good one this year, over an hour long, with three separate bands and 81 floats. I had a lot of fun, but ended up with sun blisters on my shoulders... icky and painful. We also visited the tents set up around the elementary schools, and there were a lot of interesting things. I think that the native south american playing the flute lost my respect after he started playing the Titanic theme song. For dinner, we had some old friends over from Newfoundland. I think I overindulged when it came to eating, but I had a great time. My brother has gotten quite good at "holding the floor".
This afternoon, I'm going to tutor and then this evening, there's a band practice. I'm looking forward to that.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Happy Anniversary!
At any rate, not much interesting has been happening in my life. Work has been occupying most of my time. I've finished the trueSpace manual, and soon I'll be starting some real animations of star systems and evolution, which should be very interesting. Today I made a couple of animations, very simple, mind you, just to test out how much time it takes to render videos. Believe me, it's a long time: about 20 minutes to render a 10 second video at mediocre quality.
The battle of the bands is coming up on Friday, and we have a big practice on Thursday. I'm a little worried, considering we haven't played since last Monday, but I'm sure we'll pull together somehow. We're playing songs that we know really well, so we should be fine. I hope. We won't win because our music is strange, but I think we'll put on a good show, at any rate. We have variety in our music, original songs, a french song... we'll be fine. It will be sort of embarrassing to lose to a Galt band though. Oh well, I'm sure we'll recover.
Well, my parents are coming home tomorrow after a five-day vacation. I hope they enjoyed it and I hope they'll enjoy all the cleaning I did in preparation... ok, not that much cleaning. I washed the dishes and vaccumed a bit. Yay me.
And now, for your visual delight, a couple more 3D pics I made at work:
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Eye of Horus

Thursday, June 02, 2005
What I do at work
A golden goblet
A weird part of sorts
And this is a martian ice cream scoop.
Well, I hope you enjoyed that... you see how productive I've been! (I love my job.)