Saturday, January 29, 2005
Hunky Dory Plurbledy Plops

In other news, school is fine, not too hard, not too easy. Things with Jonah are better than ever. Also, I went to a great play last night. Well, three plays. It's part of the Theatre Active Festival and there are several nights of student-directed plays. Anyway, all three of the plays were directed by people I know, to varying degrees. Anyway, the first play was the most serious, and dealt with a man and a woman, both with major problems, who get together and fall in love. It was my favorite by far. The second play was a cutsyish story about a kid who comes to Canada. It was well acted, and actually dealt with serious issues, but it was quite comedic at the same time. The third was by far the funniest, and involved audience participation. Basically, the audience would pick which two-minute sketch was to be performed next, and some of them required an audience member to participate, or even for the whole audience to do things. My favourite part was when Tom kissed that actor guy for an american dollar. I hope I can con my mom into going to the plays tonight.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Happy Birthday Mommy!
I had a photo-shoot dealy with JenandAlex and Josee yesterday. Jo and I got all dressed up, and then had Jen take pictures of us in various poses. I might post a few of them after their developped, depending on how well they're going to turn out. The dominatrix ones are particularly scary. Well, at least there's one where I'm running Jo through with a katana and she's dressed like an ice-fairy... Heehee! That one makes me laugh. They're all sort of sexyish... and some of them are very lesbianish... Well, you'll see eventually, possibly in a month or so.
Must shower!
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Happy happy joy joy!
In other news, my math teacher didn't show up again yesterday, for the third day this semester. This isn't good because I have two classes with him and I've already missed two of one and three of the other. I'm especially worried about Calculus III because I'm taking the prerequisite course right now, but nobody informed me that I needed it before. Ah well, I'll drown.
Besides that, nothing much has happened. I have tons of homework for my English class for some reason, and my other classes aren't exactly letting me off easy either. And to think that I was looking forward to school! Actually, I wasn't really... But at least this is my last semester! Woot!
Monday, January 17, 2005
I complain too much.
Mine's better...
Anywho... I don't know how the situation with Jonah is because I've avoided calling him. People tell me he needs time and that he'd call me when he wanted to, which he did today. Up until this point I've been going between this fake happy crap and total breakdown, but the latter is only when I'm left to think too long. Anyway, he called this afternoon and I got the message and called him, all this being superfluous information that I felt like telling anyway, and we chitchatted about his job, which he seems to be enjoying. Everything was fine until I accidentally, out of habit, said "I love you" as we were about to hang up. He seemed surprisedish and said some sort of distant and awkward "I love you" thing and hung up. I don't know what to think. I may have screwed things up.
I'm going to call him again tomorrow after supper, so all of you who are waiting patiently for the end of this melodrama will have to wait until at least then. Wow, like anybody cares about this stuff anyway, but it feels good to get it off my chest. So there... *sticks out tongue*
Moving on, I had a long and exausting day today... class, karate, band practice and then swimming. I'm so pooped! I think I've got to get into better shape. At least I'll be able to take karate twice a week now due to different scheduling this semester... That should help. Anyway, I'm rambling, and that's not good in most cases. So, I will bid you all good night!
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Not all is well in Lalaland.
Moving on... I'm a little bit sad/confused/frustrated because Jonah told me today that he wants us to have a trial separation for a little while. I agreed, reluctantly, because I couldn't really force him not to. The reasoning behind this is rather complicated, but the gist of it is that there are things about me that he doesn't like and can't cope with, and he wants to see how happy he'd be alone. My biggest fear is that he'll decide that he'd rather not be in a couple with me, thus ending our relationship permanently. In the meantime, we're going to be friends, but I'm single until we decide to get together again, whenever and if ever that may be.
In other news, I started school today and it was fun... I only had two classes, and they were pretty easy. My computer class seems fun enough and linear algebra doesn't look too hard, I hope anyway. Tomorrow I have an 8:30 class, calculus 3, and then I have experimental physics until 2:00. I have a pretty good schedule, with a maximum of three classes a day, and only two days with 8:30 classes. This is an improvement over previous semesters when I started at 8:30 every day, and had five classes on some days. Hourray for only having five courses! Of course, I've joined the choir too, which might be more work, but this should all be good.
Monday, January 10, 2005
An Apology
Anyway, enough mindless complaining on my part. I'm starting school in a couple of days, and though I haven't done anything that I was planning to do this holiday, including applying for university, I'm sort of looking forward to it. It'll put a little bit of stress into my life, prevent me from thinking too much about my feelings. I guess this holiday wasn't a total loss. I read three books, drew a lot of stuff for the Doppler world, did a bit of writing, learned html... But I think it's time to be doing something else now.
Well, that's all. Sorry about the depressing/boring nature of this entry but I wrote it, so there. I hope everybody makes the best of this new year, as I plan to do.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Patrick Moore
I thought that this was the coolest thing in the world, as I'd had no previous concept of who this Patrick Moore character might be, exept for a funny old fat man who played the xylophone and had something to do with astronomy. I proceeded to buy and carry this book around, displaying it to whomever might be interested, but without much success. I guess I was showing it to all the wrong people.
Anyway, just recently, I finally finished reading the book, and it was entertaining indeed. He talks about the "independent thinker", or what I would normally refer to as someone who doesn't know heads or tails about science. At any rate, every subject, from a flat earth to Atlantis, from astrology to the end of the world was discussed. He has a delightfully conversational style of writing, and manages to respect the independent thinkers' ideas while still maintaining his own integrity. It was a quick and fun read, and I'd recommend it to anyone.
After further research, I discovered that Patrick Moore is actually quite a character, being an avid astronomer who did lots of work with Moon charts, an interesting television personality, with a show called The Sky At Night where he interviews various astronomer types, as well as a skilled cricket player, and, yes, a talented xylophone player. You can find his short biography here.
To sum up, here are some interesting quotes that might make you laugh, and because I can, I'll scan the cover of the book for your infinite enjoyment.
At my age I do what Mark Twain did. I get my daily paper, look at the obituaries page and if I'm not there I carry on as usual.
I'm only a four-dimensional creature. Haven't got a clue how to visualise infinity. Even Einstein hadn't. I know because I asked him.